If you use Terraform to manage your infrastructure, you can use the Tigris Terraform provider to manage your Tigris buckets.
This guide assumes that you have followed the steps in the Getting Started guide, and have the access keys available.
How to use the provider
Below is an example of how to use the Tigris provider in your Terraform configuration.
Setting up the provider
terraform {
required_providers {
tigris = {
source = "tigrisdata/tigris"
provider "tigris" {
access_key = "your-access-key"
secret_key = "your-secret-key"
Replace your-access-key
and your-secret-key
with your Tigris Access Key and
Secret Access Key values you generated.
Configuring the bucket
Below is an example of how to configure the bucket.
resource "tigris_bucket" "example_bucket" {
bucket = "my-custom-bucket"
resource "tigris_bucket_public_access" "example_bucket_public_access" {
bucket = tigris_bucket.example_bucket.bucket
acl = "private"
public_list_objects = false
If you want to configure the bucket to be public, you can set the acl
Configuring the custom domain name for the bucket
To configure a custom domain name for the bucket, you can use the
resource "tigris_bucket_website_config" "example_website_config" {
bucket = tigris_bucket.example_bucket.bucket
domain_name = tigris_bucket.example_bucket.bucket
Configuring the shadow bucket
If you want to migrate data from an existing bucket to the Tigris bucket, you
can use the tigris_bucket_shadow_config
resource "tigris_bucket_shadow_config" "example_shadow_config" {
bucket = tigris_bucket.example_bucket.bucket
shadow_bucket = "my-custom-bucket-shadow"
shadow_access_key = "your-shadow-bucket-access-key"
shadow_secret_key = "your-shadow-bucket-secret-key"
shadow_region = "us-west-2"
shadown_endpoint = "https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com"
shadow_write_through = true
You can find more information about the Tigris Terraform provider in the Tigris Terraform provider documentation.