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ExAWS Elixir SDK

This guide assumes that you have followed the steps in the Getting Started guide, and have the access keys available.

You may continue to use the ExAWS SDK as you normally would, but with the endpoint set to

This example reads the credentials from the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

ExAWS configuration


Add the dependencies to your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
{:ex_aws, "~> 2.0"},
{:ex_aws_s3, "~> 2.0"},
{:poison, "~> 3.0"},
{:hackney, "~> 1.9"},
{:sweet_xml, "~> 0.6.6"},
{:jason, "~> 1.1"},

Development configuration

Now setup the configuration for ex_aws and ex_aws_s3 in your dev.exs file:

import Config

# Configure S3 client for access to Tigris
config :ex_aws,
debug_requests: true,
json_codec: Jason,
access_key_id: {:system, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"},
secret_access_key: {:system, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"}

config :ex_aws, :s3,
scheme: "https://",
host: "",
region: "auto"

In the first config we configure :ex_aws, by setting the access_key_id and secret_access_key. In this case we use AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to store the access keys we will use to access Tigris.

Then we configure the S3 API endpoint, which is "".

Runtime configuration

Now similar to above, let's add the configuration in runtime.exs file:

import Config

if config_env() == :prod do

# ....
# Configure S3 client for access to Tigris
config :ex_aws,
debug_requests: true,
json_codec: Jason,
access_key_id: {:system, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"},
secret_access_key: {:system, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"}

config :ex_aws, :s3,
scheme: "https://",
host: "",
region: "auto"



# List all buckets

iex(1)> ExAws.S3.list_buckets() |> ExAws.request()

body: %{
owner: %{id: "", display_name: ""},
buckets: [
%{name: "foo-bucket", creation_date: "2023-12-12T03:42:36Z"},
%{name: "foo-bucket-1", creation_date: "2023-11-30T18:50:55Z"},
%{name: "foo-bucket-2", creation_date: "2023-12-02T00:28:53Z"},
%{name: "test-bucket", creation_date: "2023-12-01T23:27:42Z"}
headers: [
{"Content-Length", "1394"},
{"Content-Type", "application/xml"},
{"Server", "Tigris OS"},
{"X-Amz-Request-Id", "1702663614071616663"},
{"Date", "Fri, 15 Dec 2023 18:06:54 GMT"}
status_code: 200

# List all objects in a bucket

iex(2)> ExAws.S3.list_objects("foo-bucket") |> ExAws.request!() |> get_in([:body, :contents])

owner: %{id: "", display_name: ""},
size: "578688267",
key: "Docker-100.dmg",
last_modified: "2023-12-15T04:40:27Z",
storage_class: "STANDARD",
e_tag: "\"67f4192f94643705f04ce32ae0b09162-111\""
owner: %{id: "", display_name: ""},
size: "4",
key: "bar-3",
last_modified: "2023-12-14T19:56:24Z",
storage_class: "STANDARD",
e_tag: "\"c157a79031e1c40f85931829bc5fc552\""
owner: %{id: "", display_name: ""},
size: "4",
key: "bar.txt",
last_modified: "2023-12-12T03:42:58Z",
storage_class: "STANDARD",
e_tag: ""
owner: %{id: "", display_name: ""},
size: "578688267",
key: "foo-10",
last_modified: "2023-12-14T20:10:01Z",
storage_class: "STANDARD",
e_tag: "\"9b9bf0ac684c4dca180665d5f8312320\""
owner: %{id: "", display_name: ""},
size: "578688267",
key: "foo-11",
last_modified: "2023-12-14T20:11:35Z",
storage_class: "STANDARD",
e_tag: "\"1ca5897a515681aecf0cc453a47e7eac-69\""
owner: %{id: "", display_name: ""},
size: "4",
key: "foo-13",
last_modified: "2023-12-14T20:33:12Z",
storage_class: "STANDARD",
e_tag: "\"c157a79031e1c40f85931829bc5fc552\""

# Put an object

iex(2)> {:ok, local_file} ="bar.txt")

{:ok, "bar\n"}

iex(3)> ExAws.S3.put_object("foo-bucket", "bar.txt", local_file) |> ExAws.request!()

body: "",
headers: [
{"Content-Length", "0"},
{"ETag", "\"c157a79031e1c40f85931829bc5fc552\""},
{"Server", "Tigris OS"},
{"X-Amz-Request-Id", "1702585992568596588"},
{"Date", "Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:33:12 GMT"}
status_code: 200

# Get an object

iex(5)> resp = ExAws.S3.get_object("foo-bucket", "bar.txt") |> ExAws.request!()

body: "bar\n",
headers: [
{"Accept-Ranges", "bytes"},
{"Content-Length", "4"},
{"Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"},
{"Etag", "\"c157a79031e1c40f85931829bc5fc552\""},
{"Last-Modified", "Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:33:12 GMT"},
{"Server", "Tigris OS"},
{"X-Amz-Date", "20231214T203312Z"},
{"X-Amz-Request-Id", "1702586069668919790"},
{"Date", "Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:34:29 GMT"}
status_code: 200

iex(6)>!("bar.txt") == resp.body


# Upload a file

iex(3)> ExAws.S3.Upload.stream_file("Docker.dmg") |> ExAws.S3.upload("foo-bucket", "Docker.dmg") |> ExAws.request!()

body: %{
location: "",
key: "Docker.dmg",
bucket: "foo-bucket",
etag: "\"67f4192f94643705f04ce32ae0b09162-111\""
headers: [
{"Content-Length", "257"},
{"Content-Type", "application/xml"},
{"Server", "Tigris OS"},
{"X-Amz-Request-Id", "1702663684337450259"},
{"Date", "Fri, 15 Dec 2023 18:08:04 GMT"}
status_code: 200

Using presigned URLs

Presigned URLs can be used with the ExAWS SDK as follows:

# Generate a presigned URL to download an object
iex(9)> \
...(9)> |> ExAws.S3.presigned_url(:get, "foo-bucket", "bar.txt", [expires_in: 300])

# Generate a presigned URL to upload an object
iex(10)> \
...(10)> |> ExAws.S3.presigned_url(:put, "foo-bucket", "bar.txt", [expires_in: 300])