Bucket Management with Flyctl
Tigris is a globally distributed S3-compatible object storage service natively integrated with Fly.io. Tigris runs on Fly.io hardware and is fully integrated with flyctl.
Getting Started
If you don't have an account, you can get yourself one here.
You can then use the fly storage
command to create and manage Tigris buckets.
Creating and managing a bucket
Creating a bucket associated with a Fly app
To create a bucket for one of your Fly apps, run the following command in the directory where your Fly app is located:
fly storage create
This will create a bucket and set the required environment variables for you.
$ fly storage create
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one: demo-bucket
Your project (demo-bucket) is ready. See details and next steps with:
Setting the following secrets on ot-demo:
Secrets are staged for the first deployment
Creating a bucket not associated with a Fly app
If you want to create a bucket that is not associated with a Fly app, you can run the same command outside of a Fly app directory.
$ fly storage create
? Select Organization: Ovais Tariq (personal)
? Choose a name, use the default, or leave blank to generate one:
Your project (polished-thunder-5646) is ready. See details and next steps with:
Set one or more of the following secrets on your target app.
AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3: https://fly.storage.tigris.dev
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
BUCKET_NAME: polished-thunder-5646
Creating a public bucket
By default, buckets are private. You can create a public bucket by passing the
flag to the fly storage create
fly storage create --public
Updating bucket public access
You can make a private bucket public or a public bucket private by using the
fly storage update
fly storage update bucket-name --public
fly storage update bucket-name --private
Listing buckets
To list all the buckets associated with your Fly account, run the following command:
fly storage list
Deleting a bucket
To delete a bucket, run the following command:
fly storage destroy bucket-name