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Storage Tiers

Tigris offers object storage tiers to optimize storage costs based on the access patterns of your data. The following storage tiers are available:

  • Standard
  • Infrequent Access
  • Archive
  • Archive Instant Retrieval

Standard tier

The default storage tier. It provides high durability, availability, and performance for frequently accessed data.

Infrequent Access tier

Lower-cost storage for data that is accessed less frequently but requires rapid access when needed.

Archive tier

Low-cost storage for data archiving with infrequent access. The data is not immediately available for access and requires restoration before it can be accessed. Restoration time is typically around 1 hour.

Archive with instant retrieval tier

Low-cost storage for data archiving with infrequent access, offering rapid access when needed. The data is immediately available for access and does not need to go through a restoration step.

Setting object tier

Tigris allows setting the storage tier at both the bucket and object level. The default tier for all objects stored in a particular bucket can be specified in the bucket configuration during bucket creation time. If no tier is provided at bucket creation time, it defaults to Standard.

The object tier can also be set during PUT Object requests to override the bucket's default tier. To set the object tier:

  • use the --storage-class flag with the put-object AWS CLI or corresponding field of PutObject, CreateMultipartUpload SDK APIs input, or
  • set the x-amz-storage-class header when using the REST API.

Tigris accepts S3 compatible storage classes:

Storage ClassDescription
STANDARDfor Standard tier
STANDARD_IAfor Infrequent Access tier
GLACIERfor Archive tier
GLACIER_IRfor Archive instant retrieval tier

Example with AWS CLI

aws s3api put-object --bucket my-bucket --key my-object.txt --body bar.txt --storage-class STANDARD_IA

Example with REST API

PUT /my-object.txt HTTP/1.1
x-amz-storage-class: STANDARD_IA

Restoring objects from Archive tier

Objects written to the Archive storage class are not immediately available for access. Get requests for objects in the Archive storage class will return 403 (InvalidObjectState) error. To restore objects from the Archive storage class, initiate a restore request.

Initiate restore request

aws s3api restore-object --bucket my-bucket --key 'my-archive-object.txt' --restore-request Days=3

The Days parameter specifies the number of days the restored object will be available for access. After the specified number of days, the object will be moved back to the Archive storage class.

Check restore status

aws s3api head-object --bucket my-bucket --key 'my-archive-object.txt'

Ongoing restore requests will have the Restore: ongoing-request="true" header in the response. Once the restore is complete, the Restore header will contain the expiry date when the object will be moved back to the Archive storage class:

"Restore": "ongoing-request=\"false\" expiry-date=\"Fri, 01 Nov 2024 02:00:00 GMT\"",
"StorageClass": "GLACIER"