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Object Metadata Querying

Tigris indexes important metadata fields such as Content-Type, Content-Length, and Last-Modified for every object stored in a bucket. You can query these objects using a SQL-like syntax through the X-Tigris-Query header when using the ListObjectsV2 API.

The X-Tigris-Query field query can be thought of as the WHERE clause in a SQL query. For instance, to find all objects with a Content-Type of text/javascript, set the header as follows:

  • X-Tigris-Query: WHERE `Content-Type` = "text/javascript"

Queryable Fields

Tigris supports querying against the following fields:

  1. `Content-Type`: The content type assigned during upload.
  2. `Content-Length`: The size of the object.
  3. `Last-Modified`: The date and time the object was last modified in RFC3339 format.
  4. `key`: The key of the object.
  5. `Event-Type`: The type of the event, this is only supported in Object Notifications.

SQL Operations

Query supports following comparison operators:

  1. =: Equal
  2. !=: Not Equal
  3. > and <: Greater than and less than
  4. >= and <=: Greater than or equal and less than or equal
  5. AND: Combine multiple conditions in a query.

In Memory Operations

Tigris supports IN, NOT IN, and REGEXP operators for filtering results. Since these operations are performed in memory, they must be combined with SQL operations mentioned above. For example:

  1. WHERE `Content-Type` = "text/plain" AND key REGEXP ".*\.txt$"
  2. WHERE `Content-Length` > 1024 AND `Content-Type` IN ("text/javascript", "text/css") .
  3. WHERE `Content-Length` != 65536 AND `Content-Type` NOT IN ("text/plain", "text/html") .

Order by

You can sort the list using ORDER BY. For example, to retrieve all items smaller than 64KB ordered by Content-Type:

  • `Content-Length` < 65536 ORDER BY `Content-Type`

Example Queries

Example queries that can be performed:

  1. WHERE `Content-Type` = "text/plain"
  2. WHERE `Content-Type` >= "text/c" AND `Content-Type` < "text/j"
  3. WHERE `Content-Length` > 0 ORDER BY `Content-Length` ASC
  4. WHERE `Content-Length` != 65536 AND `Content-Type` = "text/plain"
  5. WHERE `Last-Modified` > "2024-06-23T10:38:46Z"

Next steps

  • Check out the Example usage for more details on how to use them in your application.