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Migrating from a S3-compatible bucket

Tigris allows you to incrementally migrate the data from an existing S3 or a compatible bucket via the fly storage command. This allows you to transparently move your data from an existing S3-compatible storage to Tigris without any downtime.

How it works

When creating a new bucket, you can specify the bucket from where the data should be migrated. We call this the shadow bucket.

This is how the process works:

  • When you upload a new object to the Tigris bucket, it is first uploaded to the shadow bucket and then copied to the Tigris bucket. This ensures that the data is always available in the shadow bucket and is eventually consistent in the Tigris bucket.
  • When you request an object, we first check if the object exists in the Tigris bucket. If it does, we return it. If it doesn't, we check the shadow bucket and return the object from there. Then we copy the object to the Tigris bucket so that it is available for future requests.
  • The objects stored in the Tigris bucket are automatically stored in the region closest to the user.
  • When you delete an object we delete it from the Tigris bucket, as well as the shadow bucket.

Amazon S3

Starting the migration

Using a new Tigris bucket as the migration target

When creating a new bucket, you can specify the bucket from where the data should be migrated. We call this the shadow bucket. This is how you can create a new bucket with a shadow bucket:

flyctl storage create -n {{tigris-bucket-name}} -o {{your-fly-org}} \
--shadow-access-key {{s3_access_key}} --shadow-secret-key {{s3_secret_key}} \
--shadow-endpoint --shadow-region us-east-1 \
--shadow-name {{your-s3-bucket}} --shadow-write-through

This will create a new bucket tigris-bucket-name in the organization your-fly-org and will migrate the data from the S3 bucket your-s3-bucket as the requests come in.

The endpoint and region are provider specific and should be set accordingly. You can find the endpoint and region for AWS S3 in the AWS documentation.

Using an existing Tigris bucket as the migration target

You can also migrate the data to an existing Tigris bucket. This is how you can update an existing bucket to use the shadow bucket feature:

flyctl storage update {{tigris-bucket-name}} \
--shadow-access-key {{s3_access_key}} --shadow-secret-key {{s3_secret_key}} \
--shadow-endpoint --shadow-region us-east-1 \
--shadow-name {{your-s3-bucket}} --shadow-write-through

This will update the bucket tigris-bucket-name settings so that Tigris will migrate the data from the S3 bucket your-s3-bucket as the requests come in.

Finishing the migration

Once you are confident that all the objects have been migrated, you can stop the migration by removing the shadow bucket. This will stop the objects from being read from or written to the shadow bucket. Any subsequent requests will only read from and write to the Tigris bucket.

flyctl storage update {{tigris-bucket-name}} --clear-shadow

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage (GCS) offers interoperability with the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) API, so GCS bucket can be configured as a shadow bucket. Information which needs to be gathered from Google Cloud Console is:

  • Endpoint
  • Region
  • Bucket name
  • Access key
  • Secret key


Endpoint for GCS is fixed and it is:


There is no distinction by region so it should always be set as auto.

Access key and Secret key

Navigate to Google Cloud Console interoperability page. On that page create new service account and new HMAC key or create new HMAC key for the existing account. Make sure that account have permission to access the bucket.

Bucket name

Use GCS bucket name which should be used to read object from and write.

Creating the Tigris bucket and starting the migration

Once information is gathered the following is complete command to run to enable shadow bucket on the Tigris bucket creation:

flyctl storage create -n {{to-be-created-tigris-bucket-name}} -o {{your-fly-org}} \
--shadow-access-key {{gcs_access_key}} --shadow-secret-key {{gcs_secret_key}} \
--shadow-endpoint --shadow-region auto \
--shadow-name {{gcs-bucket-name}} --shadow-write-through

Finishing the migration

Once you are confident that all the objects have been migrated, you can stop the migration by removing the shadow bucket configuration. This will stop the objects from being read from or written to the shadow bucket. Any subsequent requests will only read from and write to the Tigris bucket.

flyctl storage update {{tigris-bucket-name}} --clear-shadow

Copying objects ACLs

By default, migrated objects inherit the access control settings of the bucket they are migrated too. However, if bucket is configured to allow object ACLs, migration process will copy object ACLs from the shadow S3 bucket to the Tigris bucket. The following rules apply:

  • Tigris bucket is private:
    • Public S3 objects will be migrated as public and have explicit puclic-read ACL set.
    • Private S3 objects will be migrated as private and inherit bucket ACL.
  • Tigris bucket is public:
    • Public S3 objects will be migrated as public and inherit bucket ACL.
    • Private S3 objects will be copied as private and have explicit private ACL set.