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Bucket Settings

The Tigris dashboard lets you configure various settings for your buckets. Here's an overview of the settings you can configure:

  • Bucket Sharing: Share buckets between your organization members or outside collaborators.
  • Public / Private Access: Set the default access rules for a bucket.
  • Storage Tier: Set the storage tier for a bucket.
  • Custom Domains: Configure a custom domain to serve your bucket content.
  • Object Notifications: Subscribe to events on your buckets.
  • Data Migration: Migrate data from one bucket to another.
  • Region Restriction: Restrict the regions where your bucket data is stored.
  • Cache Control: Set the default Cache-Control header for objects in the bucket.
  • Additional Headers: Configure implicit response headers for objects stored in your buckets.
  • TTL Configuration: Set the default time-to-live (TTL) for objects in the bucket.
  • CORS Configuration: Configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rules for your bucket.
  • Delete This Bucket: Permanently delete a bucket.


Bucket Sharing

You use Bucket Sharing to share buckets between your organization members or outside collaborators. For more information, please see the bucket sharing page: Bucket Sharing.

Public / Private Access

Bucket default access

Tigris lets you control the access rules for a bucket. This section lets you set the default access rules for a bucket (either public or private). You can optionally enable "Allow Object ACL" to let you customize public/private status for individual objects.

Storage Tier

This is set on bucket creation and cannot be changed. For more information, please see the storage tiers page: Storage Tiers.

You can set the storage tier for individual objects when you upload them. For more information, please see the storage tiers page: Storage Tiers: Setting object tier

Custom Domains

Custom domain settings

You can configure a custom domain to serve your bucket content. For more information see the Custom Domain documentation.

The custom domain name must match the bucket name. For example, if the custom domain is, the bucket name must be

Object Notifications

Object Notifications

Object notifications allow you to subscribe to events on your buckets. For more information see the object notifications documentation. You can configure the following settings:

  • Webhook URL: The URL to send the notification to.
  • Authentication type: None, token or password.
  • Filter: SQL style filtering for objects.

Tigris will notify you on the following events:

  • New objects being put into buckets.
  • Existing objects being deleted from buckets.

Data Migration

Shadow bucket migration

You can migrate data from one bucket to another using the data migration feature. This will automatically copy data that isn't in Tigris over to Tigris when it's needed. Tigris implements the following migration strategy:

  1. When an object is requested, it is served from your Tigris bucket if it is found.
  2. If the object is not found in Tigris bucket, the object will be returned from your source bucket and asynchronously copied to Tigris.
  3. All other operations, including put and delete, continue to work as usual

If you enable the write-through option, Tigris will write the object to your source bucket and Tigris bucket at the same time. This is useful for keeping your source bucket in sync with Tigris.

Region Restriction

Region restriction

You can restrict the regions where your bucket data is stored. This is useful for compliance with data protection regulations. For more information see the region restriction documentation.

Cache Control

Cache control

This lets you set the default Cache-Control header for objects in the bucket. Tigris will set some cache control headers by default for public objects, but you can set an implicit default here.

Additional Headers

Bucket additional headers

You can configure additional headers for objects stored in your buckets. This can be useful when your tools set incorrect headers or you need to set custom headers. Right now the only setting implemented is to set the X-Content-Type-Options header to nosniff, which prevents browsers from performing "content sniffing" and guessing the MIME type of the content based on the content itself.

TTL Configuration

TTL Configuration

You can set the default time-to-live (TTL) for objects in the bucket. This is useful for buckets that contain ephmemeral data that should be deleted after a certain period of time. For more information see the Object Expiration documentation.

You can configure the following modes:

TTL configuration: delete anything older than a given date

You can configure Tigris to delete anything older than a given date. This lets you clean up a bucket by deleting old data on the server side.

TTL configuration: delete anything older than a given duration

You can also configure Tigris to automatically delete any object older than a given number of days.

CORS Configuration

CORS Configuration

You can configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rules for your bucket. This allows you to have a website dynamically fetch data from Tigris. For more information see the CORS Configuration documentation.

Delete This Bucket

Delete bucket

You can delete a bucket by clicking the "Delete Bucket" button. This will permanently delete all objects in the bucket. This action cannot be undone.

When you delete a bucket, its name will become unavailable for reuse for a few minutes while the deletion is processed. If you try to create a new bucket with the same name during this time, you will receive an error.