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Bucket Naming Rules

In Tigris, buckets are global, each requiring a unique name. In addition, there are specific rules that must be followed when creating a bucket. Let's review these rules below.


The following naming rules apply for buckets.

  • Bucket name must be between [3, 63] characters
  • Bucket name can only contain lower case characters, numbers, dots, and hyphens
  • Bucket names must not contain two adjacent periods
  • Name must start with number or lower case character
  • Name must end with number or lower case character
  • Prefix xn-- is reserved and not allowed in bucket prefix
  • Suffix -s3alias is reserved and not allowed in bucket suffix
  • Bucket name cannot be IP addresses

Example bucket names

The following bucket names show examples of which characters are allowed in bucket names: a-z, 0-9, dots (.), and hyphens (-).


The following example bucket names are not valid:

tigris_demo_bucket (contains underscores)
TigrisDemoBucket (contains uppercase letters)
tigris-demo-bucket- (ends with a hyphen) (contains two periods in a row) (matches format of an IP address)
xn--examplebucket (starts with reserved prefix)
examplebucket-s3alias (ends with reserved suffix)